Getting To Know Our Customers

Our customers mean the world to us here at Grace Rose Farm. All of the love we pour into our blooms is meant to bring our customers joy and infuse their lives with a touch of beauty. Often, when I’m in the barn packing orders, or walking the fields and checking on the roses, I like to imagine the hundreds of homes they’ll be delivered to in the coming days and weeks. It makes all of the long hours and hard work worth it to know that all of you love our roses as much as we love growing them. I thought it would be fun to get to know a few of our favorite customers, Tina and Andie, who always make a point of sharing gorgeous pictures of our roses on their lovely Instagram feeds!


Tina was born and raised in the Midwest, and uses her gorgeous Instagram account to share her love of nature, photography, and flowers. She counts roses and peonies among her favorite blooms. Cottage roses, with their lush full blooms and sweet fragrance, are her favorites. She loves Evelyn, although she admits that "in all honesty, ALL of Grace Rose Farm's roses are my favorite!" When asked how she so beautifully arranges her roses when they arrive, she shares, "As soon as I get my roses I can’t wait to style them for display on my IG feed. My favorite place to shoot is in my small studio office. I have a large west window that lets in lots of light. I have a variety of vases and props to help me set the mood, and I love styling with pitcher vases and large glass containers. I turned my daughter’s bedroom into my photo prop room and it is brimming with all kinds of containers as well as a never ending collection of coffee and tea cups." We love how light and airy her photography is, and how she captures the softness of the roses. Here at Grace Rose Farm, we believe that growing beautiful roses creates connections and brings joy into the world. When asked how roses bring her joy, Tina says, "My greatest joy from styling Grace Rose Farm roses is the reaction and interaction I get from my IG followers. When they comment on how my photos brighten their day, it also brightens mine."

We're so grateful every single time Tina shares our roses, and it brightens our day to see our roses through her lens. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us, Tina!


Andie lives just outside of Athens, Georgia where she is a mortgage lender by day and a self-proclaimed flower and book addict by night. She shares a home with her husband and daughter, plus 5 cats, a guinea pig and chinchilla. In a previous life, she earned her living as a wedding and portrait photographer, and has since discovered that cats, books and flowers are her favorite photography subjects.

There was absolutely no way Andie could choose a favorite Grace Rose Farm rose variety, but she agreed to share a few of her loves. "Lichfield Angel is probably my fave du jour. I have never been a fan of cream roses that much until I came across these. Something about their coloring and shape and the way they slightly droop their heads make me swoon. Then I love Queen of Sweden. They are so fluffy and tiny and delicate and the perfect shade of baby pink. I also love Francis Meilland and Evelyn which are just about perfect when combined with each other. Oh and Lady Gardener too! How do you pick?"

She keeps it simple when really simple! Her advice, just dump them in a vase, bucket or pitcher and enjoy!

When asked how roses bring her joy, Andie shares, "I know that 2020 was a hard year for everyone. I have used fresh flowers and flower shopping as therapy and escapism from a tough job for many years. When 2020 rolled around, it got even harder. I was lucky enough to get roses shipped to me every week. That box that came every Thursday after a (usually) tough week at work, was always a bright spot in my week. And then I got to play around with them all weekend and share my pictures of them with the instaworld to help (hopefully) bring joy to others as well. Flowers are my most potent form of stress relief."

We're so honored to hear our roses play such a lovely role in your life, Andie!

David Austin Garden Roses

The world's most loved and cherished garden roses for English breeder, David Austin.

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