I have so many fond memories of spending time with my grandparents when I was a little kid. The stories, laughs, projects, and adventures are what made the time between me and my grandparents so valuable. To me, every day was Grandparents Day.
What is Grandparents Day?
Grandparents Day is the official holiday that recognizes our grandparents for all of the life and love they bestowed to us. In the US, it was officially signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1978.
When is Grandparents Day?
Grandparents Day typically falls on the first Sunday after Labor Day. This year, Grandparents Day is on Sunday, September 11, 2022.
Why Grandparents Day Matters
As I got older, I was able to develop a deeper connection with my grandparents. I learned about their upbringing, childhood, hobbies, and other goals in life.
To me, this is why Grandparents Day matters - you never know what you got until it's gone.
I had a fun opportunity after college to help relocate my dad’s mom from Washington state to close to our family in Southern California. I flew up north, packed her car, and the two of us made the three day journey down south. I learned so much during that drive about her I’m sure I would have never known otherwise and will always remember those special moments I was fortunate to experience. It’s truly an amazing bond that blossoms in the grandparent/grandchild relationship.
In short, we must cherish the memories, lessons, stories and experiences our grandparents give us as much as possible.
How to Celebrate Grandparents Day
Spoiler alert - there's no one size fits all way or rule on how to celebrate Grandparents Day!
However, we suggest starting with asking your grandparents what gifts or ideas they would appreciate the most. After all, this day is about them!
For example, our daughter Seraphina brings so much joy in her grandma's life purely from her presence alone, demonstrating that even having the ability to spend time with grandkids can go a longer way than most anything else.
Fortunately, Seraphina's Grammy - my mom - lives on our farm with us. When Seraphina and I walk over to Grammy’s house, she gets visibly excited as she knows that she’s about to be spoiled with Grammy’s love and attention. As soon as Seraphina walks in the door, she goes straight to her bin filled with books and toys. One by one, she’ll take them out and bring them over to Grammy to read to her or play with. Watching the two of them together is often one of the best parts of Grandparents Day, or any day.
Are your grandparents into gardening and home decoration? If so, we recommend fueling their passion with a unique flower vase, paired with one of our lovely bouquets of roses to show your appreciation for them.
Overall, just have fun! The best way to celebrate Grandparents Day, is really to spend time and be with your grandparents. It's really that simple.
A Letter To All Grandparents
To my mom - I see the joy Fifi brings you and I’m so incredibly happy for you. She loves you so much. Thank you for all the love you give her and the time you spend with her. She may not remember these moments like you and I will but it’s these moments that are the foundation of the bond and love between you two. I look forward to the many adventures you two will share, the books you will read together, the crafts you will create, the lessons you will teach her, and the moments when she’ll say to me, “I want to go see Grammy.”
To all the elderly grandparents full of wisdom out there, we hope you have a special weekend filled with lots of love, laughter, new memories, and strengthened bonds. The past two years have been incredibly hard, especially for grandparents who have been unable visit with the special people in their lives and we hope you’re able to find ways to connect, whether in person or online. Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Happy Grandparent's Day!
Thank you for reading!